Task 4 : Work in firoups. Talk about a film you have seen. Use the suggestions below. (Làm việc từng

Task 4. Work in firoups. Talk about a film you have seen. Use the suggestions below. (Làm việc từng nhóm. Nói về phim em đi xem. Dùng những ý đề nghị bên dưới.)

1. Where did you see it?

2. What kind of film is it?

3. What is it about?

4. Who is/are the main character(s)?

5. How do you feel about it?

6. Why do you prefer it to other films?

Trả lời:

Last week we went to see a film called "The Journex” at the city cinema. It was a detective comic film. It wets really good. I was really excited while I was watching it.

Two young Americans found an old car, which was reully valuable. An organization was looking for the car , which they didn't want to be known by I he police. The young men hadn’t known about it at all. When they were driving through cities, suddenly they were shot by somebody. This stiry began from this scene. They drove with nice technic tind speedy. Because they were driving from countryside to big cities, we could see a lot of various beautiful views; for example we could see vast fields, and in cities they showed us their skilful driving between skyscrapers, and played a hoax on the chasers. At last, after a long journey, these young wen took the car to the local authories.

It is a comic film, therefore it can relux our mind by Hiving us a lot of laughters.