Task 3. Work in groups. Express your belief on the increasing use of alternative source of energy in
Task 3. Work in groups. Express your belief on the increasing use of alternative source of energy in the future, using the ideas from Task 2. (Bày tỏ lòng tin của bạn vào việc sử dụng nguồn năng lượng thay thế trong, tương lai, bằng cách sử dụng các ý đồ nghị từ Task 2.)
In my opinion using the alternative sources is the necessary way to solve the rapid exhaustion of our major sources of energy. The alternative sources such as solar energy, water power, wind power… are clean and safe for our life. Besides that they are unlimited and can be renewable. Nowadays, there are some developed countries that use the alternative sources parallel the major sources of energy. Day after day, science and technology develop so fast. There are more windmills, dams are built, more solar panels are set on the roofs of houses to create energy. I think in the future, the alternative sources will replace completely our major sources of energy.