Task 2: The table on the next page gives some information about the dolphin. Write a paragraph that

Task 2. The table on the next page gives some information about the dolphin. Write a paragraph that describes the facts and figures provided in the table. (Bảng ở trang kế cho thông tin về cá heo. Viết một đoạn văn mô tả sự kiện và con số được cung cấp ở bảng.)

Trả lời:

Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they live in water. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals on Earth. Although they can be found in all oceans worldwide, but they prefer coastal waters and bays. Dolphins’ size vary according to their species. The smallest dolphin is about 50 Kilograms in weight and 1.2 metres in length, meanwhile the largest dolphin can weigh up to 8.200 kilograms and be 10 metres long. Dolphins are canivores and cat mainly fish. A female dolphin eives birth to one calf every two years after a gestation period of eleven to twelve years. The life span of Dolpinhs can be from twenty-five to sixty-five years, and some species can even live longer. Dolphin population is at stake due to the pollution of their habitats and accidental entrapment in fishing nets.