Task 2: Listen again and then answer the following questions. ( Nghe lại và sau đó trả lời các câu h

Task 2. Listen again and then answer the following questions. ( Nghe lại và sau đó trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

Click tại đây để nghe:

1. What is the length and weight of the blue whale?

2. Why do whales like to feed in the cold oceans?

3. According to the listening passage,what are the food feeding grounds for world?

4. What is the main reason for the decrease in whale populations ?

5. What have convervation groups asked the International Whaling Comission to do?

6. What would happen if we didn't take any measures to protect whales?

Trả lời:

1. A blue whale can grow to 30 meters in length and over 200 tons in weight.

2. Because there's a lot of krill there, their favouriote food.

3. Cold waters in the North and South Atlantic Ocean and the North and South Pacific Ocean are their good feeding grounds.

4. Heavy hunting is the main reason for the decrease in the whale population.

5. They have asked the International Whaling Commission to stop most whaling.

6. If we didn’t take any measure to protect whales, they would disappear forever soon.