Task 2 : Based on the answers to the questions above, write a description of the chart provided in T

Task 2. Based on the answers to the questions above, write a description of the chart provided in Task 1. (Căn cứ vào những câu trả lời trên, viết bài mô tả biểu đồ được cung cấp ở Bài tập 1.)


The chart shows the number of visitor arrivals to Vielnam from the USA. France and Australia in 2001 and 2002. The statistics were provided by Vietnam National Administration of Tourism. It is clear that the number of visitors to Vietnam from the USA, France and Australia in 2002 is higher than that in 2001. According to the chart, the USA has the highest number of visitors. France comes to the second and Australia has a little fewer visitors than France although the number of Australian visitors to Vietnam in 2002 increased.