III. AFTER YOU LISTEN Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about Mr. Lam's activiti
Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions about Mr. Lam's activities, using the cues below. Then retell his story to the class.
( Làm việc theo cặp. Thay phiên nhau hỏi và đáp về các hoạt động của ông Lâm, sử dụng các gợi ý bên dưới. Sau đó kể lại câu chuyện của ông cho cả lớp. )
name start work lunch occupation passengers rest |
Trả lời:
What's his name?
His name's Lam.
What's his occupation? (What's his job?)
He's a cyclo driver.
What time does he start work?
He starts work at six a. m.
What time does he have lunch?
He has lunch at twelve o'clock noon.
Where does he have lunch? At home?
No. He has lunch at a food stall near Ben Thanh Market.
Who are his passengers?
His first passenger is usually an old man who goes from District 5 to District 1. The second passenger is a lady from Tran Hung Dao Street, who goes shopping at Thai Binh Market every two days. And his third passengers are two school pupils, a girl and a boy at Nguyen Thi Minh Khai School.
Does he take a rest?
Yes. He takes a short rest after lunch.
Does he take a rest at home?
No. He lakes a rest on his cyclo under a tree.
Retell Mr Lam's story
His name's Lam. He's a cyclo driver. He starts work at six o'clock His first passenger is usually an old man who goes from District to District 1. And his sccond passenscr is a lady who does shopping at Thai Binh Market every two days. And his third passengers are two school pupils (whom) he takes from Nguyen Thi Minh Khai School to their house. He has lunch at a food stall near Ben Thanh Market. Alter lunch, he parks his cyclo under a tree and takes a short rest.