III. AFTER YOU LISTEN Listen to the old man’s story again. Then retell his story, beginning the stor


Listen to the old man’s story again. Then retell his story, beginning the story with the following senlence:

(Nghe lại câu chuyện của cụ già. Sau đó kể lại câu chuyện của cụ, bắt đầu câu chuyện với câu như sau:)

Trả lời:

The story is about an old man who doesn't know how to use a computer . The old man wasn't worried until his secretary asked him for a computer in the office. Then he decided to take lessons in computing with his son's help. He asked his son what the screen was, and he didn't know what it was although the latter explained it to him.

After a few lessons, the old man began tired because he couldn't understand the many things his son told him at all. He refused to study by saying he was having a headache and suggested leaving the lesson until another day; and since then he hasn't talked about a computer any more.