II. WHILE YOU LISTEN You will hear someone talking about the changes in his hometown. Listen to thee


You will hear someone talking about the changes in his hometown. Listen to thee talk and do the tasks that follow.

( Bạn sẽ nghe một người nào đó nói về sự đổi thay trong thị trấn của anh ta. Nghe bài nói và làm các bài tập theo sau. )

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Lời bài nghe:

Popffero used to be a small quiet town on the south coast of England. But it has become a crowded and busy tourist resort now. They're completely destroyed its old atmosphere. The small old houses have been pulled down, and tall buildings have been put there instead. They're also built a big hotel in the middle of town. The narrow streets have been widened and resurfaced, so the big trees on the two sides of the streets have been cut down.

The large area of grass land in the suburbs of the town has been turned into an ugly car park. Even the old comer shop isn't there any more. It has been replaced by a big department store. And there is an expensive restaurant where there used to be an old tea shop. Many people in Popffero are happy with the changes as there are more jobs for them. But some people don't like the changes they miss the quiet and peaceful life of the old town.